Monday, March 17, 2014

Is Your Diet Affecting Your Hair Growth?

We all know a well-balanced diet can lead to better health, but who knew it could lead to healthier hair. A well- balanced diet can help improve the look and feel of your hair. That’s right! Eating protein, Iron and other essential nutrients may help your hair go from dry damaged hair to shiny luxurious hair.

Protein is the most important nutrient when it comes to healthy hair. Think about it, your hair is mostly made up of protein. So it makes sense that it needs protein to grow properly. Your hair has different stages of growth. Ninety percent of the time the hair is in the growing stage and then it enters a resting phase that leads to the shedding stage. If you are not eating enough protein your hair may not grow back after it sheds. It’s like asking your body to run a marathon with no water; it’s not going to end well. 

To read the rest of this article, click here. 

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