Friday, October 12, 2018

How Men Can Keep A Healthy Looking Full Head of Hair

Traditionally, there has been greater emphasis on women finding the best hair care routine and styling techniques to prevent thinning hair.  However, statistics show that men are much more likely to experience hair loss at some point in their lives than women are. Also hair loss can be much more noticeable in men than women. Men tend to lose hair quicker and in more noticeable areas, such as the crown and the hairline, versus women who may have more gradual thinning all over the scalp. According to the American Hair Loss Association, by the age of thirty-five, approximately two thirds of men will have lost a little hair. By the age of fifty, 85% will have experienced hair thinning or have lost a significant amount of hair. So clearly having a healthy hair and scalp routine is just as important for men as it is women. While male pattern baldness is often genetic there are still plenty of things you can do to maintain a shiny, healthy looking hair and increase hair’s strength, elasticity, and overall longevity

Pat Dry
Drying your hair incorrectly is one of the biggest causes of damage to men’s hair. Wet hair is more susceptible to damage and can stretch or break when rubbed with a towel causing split ends and frizziness. Instead, you may want to use a t-shirt or microfiber towel and stroke your hair in the direction it grows.

Reduce Heat
Excessive heat in the shower and directly applied to your hair can negatively affect your hair’s health over time. Very hot water strips the hairs natural oils and nutrients needed for growth while blow-drying can over dry hair and cause breakage. Experts suggest rinsing hair with cooler water and letting hair air dry. If you’re pinched for time or want a specific style apply a thermal styling serum to your hair before using heated styling tools.

Bonus styling tip: if you opt to wear a hat or go with a quick and easy “man-bun” avoid them being too tight to prevent “traction alopecia” a condition in which hair is pulled out of the scalp. If worn too long it can cause permanent damage.
Use The Right Products and Tools
Finding the best hair products and styling tools for your specific hair type is crucial in maintaining your hair’s longevity and health. Start with the best and most natural products for your hair, such as HairStart® and NEA products. Don’t use a brush on wet hair.  Instead use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to gently work out tangles. If you really prefer using a brush to detangle buy a paddle brush. When styling use sulfate free products if possible and regularly apply products that protect from environmental weather.

Stick to A Regular Routine 
You can have all the right tools and products but if you never use them your hair can develop excessive build up, get tangled, and become weak and brittle. Wash your hair once a week or every other day (depending on your hair type) and schedule a regular visit to your favorite barber or hair stylist for a trim. Even if you’re trying to grow your hair out have them trim your hair about every six weeks to eliminate split ends and damaged hair. This will help your hair to grow faster and maintain elasticity.

Stay Healthy
Just like our skin the condition of your hair can be a reflection our your body’s health. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and enough sleep can help keep your hair healthy and provide needed nutrients. Also drinking plenty of water can aids in hair growth and increases your scalp’s health that produces overall better looking hair.

And remember, as the saying goes “you can’t fight your DNA!”  Hair Loss for many of us is due to our genetics and family history.

Losing hair is not any less embarrassing for men than it is for women and can really negatively affect one’s confidence. At New England Associates® our 36 years of experience in the hair replacement industry has shown us what it's like for men to lose their hair and we understand how to combat the problem. We offer every hair restoration and completely natural looking hair replacement solutions available today so we can grow, restore, and strengthen your hair. Visit our website or call 1-866-424-7782 to schedule your free microscopic hair and scalp evaluation today! You can also email us at for more information. Make us “Your First Step to a Better Looking Future!”™

New England Associates® has been helping people look their best since 1982. Utilizing the latest advancements, we’re able to repair, replace and restore lost hair. To find the right program for your specific hair loss, we provide several surgical and non-surgical options, as well as laser hair therapy. For a FREE microscopic hair and scalp exam call 1-866-HairStart (1-866-424-7782) today! For more information about NEA and our treatment programs visit our website and download our FREE “Look As Good As You Feel!”™ information kit or have it sent to your home. We’re “Your First Step to a Better Looking Future!”™ don’t wait contact us today!

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